If a refund is applicable to an event that you have purchased tickets to, you will see the option to ‘Request refund’ when you log in to your Moshtix account. If the Request Refund button is available, please see the below step-by-step guide to requesting a refund.
Once you have completed the steps below, you don’t need to do anything; you will receive a notification once your refund has been processed from Moshtix. Once you have received this notification, your ticket(s) will be automatically refunded back to the original credit card/PayPal account used at the time of purchase. This can take up to 5-10 business days for the funds to return to your account. If your card details have changed, please wait for our Fan Experience team to contact you directly regarding this.
If you're unable to see the refund in your account after this period, please contact your financial institution before contacting Moshtix.
Step One:
Log into your Moshtix account and click manage tickets. If you created your booking as a Guest, sign up here to register and access your tickets using the same email address that was used for the booking.
Step Two:
Click the request refund button.
Step Three:
Select the tickets you wish to request a refund for. If you wish to select all the tickets listed in your order, click the select all option at the top. Please note, once you select the request refund button you cannot withdraw or amend your request once submitted.
Step Four:
You can review the status of your refund request in the manage tickets & booking history in your Moshtix Account.